GoodReads Giveaways

9 July 2017

Winners from 4 Countries

June 1st was the conclusion of our latest book giveaway on Goodreads. It always surprises me the reach of that site.

In previous giveaways we have sent books to a Spanish Castle, Australia, New Zealand, the United States – all over.

This time the books went to Germany, Holland, Albania, and the United Kingdom and all should have their copies by now.

Tirana is the capital of Albania, I had to look it up to be sure I was posting the book to the correct country. From what I saw on-line it looks like a very nice modern city.

Not all the books go to English speaking countries and it got me thinking that if you did want to practice another language, then reading adventure books written for younger people would be a very good way of getting practice.

The next GoodReads Giveaway starts on the 14th July and includes book 3, “Lady Knight” the latest in the Crystal Journals series. Checkout on site.

(G.Rosemary Ludlow 9 July 2017)

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About the author

G. Rosemary Ludlow grew up in Adelaide, Australia, where she taught school for many years. She loved teaching children to read and her favorite thing to do was to tell them stories. History stories, geography stories, stories about spelling, or arithmetic - it is all stories.

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