“Family Literacy” Part 1

Recently, I was asked to speak at a library on the subject of Family Literacy.
The more I thought about it the more interesting I found the subject.
There is so much to say on this topic.

Fortunately, my talk was video-taped and we have up-loaded the session to Youtube. Unfortunately, my time was up before I had covered a third of what I wanted to say. So, in the next few weeks, I will be continuing the talk, with part 2 & part 3.
I trust you will find the talks useful in guiding your children and even yourself to greater literacy and the enjoyment of a  good book or magazine. 

I would be keenly interested in hearing your thoughts on literacy; on my talk; or other topics you may like to start a conversation about.
I try to respond to all comments and messages posted to my web site.


Thanks to Picture Books:
“Owl Babies”  “Roar”

Thanks to Magazines:
“Kids”  “Friends” “Animal Tales” “Chickadee”

(G.Rosemary Ludlow 13 February 2018)

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About the author

G. Rosemary Ludlow grew up in Adelaide, Australia, where she taught school for many years. She loved teaching children to read and her favorite thing to do was to tell them stories. History stories, geography stories, stories about spelling, or arithmetic - it is all stories.

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