Chocolate Lily Awards

26 July 2017



Recently, I learned that I have been shortlisted for the
Chocolate Lily Awards for 2017/18 in the Novel Category.
I feel very honored to be nominated among this list of accomplished authors.
Here is some information about the award which I lifted from their web site:-

“The Chocolate Lily Book Awards is a young readers’ choice award that encourages grade school students to read and enjoy some of the best fiction by British Columbia’s authors and illustrators.

In 2002, teacher-librarian, Karen Ehrenholz, wished to connect her young daughters and students with quality books created by writers and illustrators living in their own communities.”

Book Clubs and schools are encouraged to register to become part of the groups who will read the books and then vote on their favourites.

Anything that encourages children to read and fosters their love of stories and literature is a great thing. Having an ease of reading enables a child to access all the knowledge of the world. Encouraging them to read and then evaluate the books fosters an ability to discern value.

I am very proud to be a part of such an enterprise.

Thanks to all the volunteers who work behind the scenes to make The Chocolate Lily awards a success.



(G.Rosemary Ludlow 26 July 2017)

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About the author

G. Rosemary Ludlow grew up in Adelaide, Australia, where she taught school for many years. She loved teaching children to read and her favorite thing to do was to tell them stories. History stories, geography stories, stories about spelling, or arithmetic - it is all stories.

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