
Skype Lessons

17th Dec 2018
In the last little while I have presented  lessons over Skype. The first was in Georgia, USA, and the second in Utah, USA. It was a delight for me to face a group of children and give a talk. I find that working out what is important and what I want to impart helps focus… Read

Rudyard Kipling

27th Mar 2018
Recently, while away from home, I ran out of books to read. Scanning the shelves to see what was available to me at that location, I picked up a copy of The Jungle Book, by Rudyard Kipling.   I began to read and I couldn’t put the book down. I was particularly taken with the… Read

“Family Literacy” Part 1

13th Feb 2018
Recently, I was asked to speak at a library on the subject of Family Literacy. The more I thought about it the more interesting I found the subject. There is so much to say on this topic. Fortunately, my talk was video-taped and we have up-loaded the session to Youtube. Unfortunately, my time was up… Read

School Visits

10th Dec 2017
A School Visit – late October 2017 – 350 children Recently I had the opportunity to visit a school situated in North Vancouver. I was booked for four sessions with three classes attending each session. The librarian grouped the children by age so that I could tailor my talks to each learning level. I had… Read

Why I’m writing a series.

10th May 2017
Writing a series of books is a lot of fun.  I’m finding that as I write one story I think of lots of other ideas for new books in the series. Sometimes I even lay in little hints or ideas that I know I can pick up on in later books. I can think of… Read

About the author

G. Rosemary Ludlow grew up in Adelaide, Australia, where she taught school for many years. She loved teaching children to read and her favorite thing to do was to tell them stories. History stories, geography stories, stories about spelling, or arithmetic - it is all stories.

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