A Tall Ship Visits Vancouver

11th May 2017
While doing the research for A Rare Gift, I became very interested in sailing ships. So when we heard there was a Japanese tall ship visiting here, we were eager to have a look. We were even more excited when we read they were going to fully deploy the sails. They would start at 1pm,… Read

Why I’m writing a series.

10th May 2017
Writing a series of books is a lot of fun.  I’m finding that as I write one story I think of lots of other ideas for new books in the series. Sometimes I even lay in little hints or ideas that I know I can pick up on in later books. I can think of… Read

Write on Vancouver

10th May 2017
‘Write On Vancouver’ Saturday May13th.     Experience Vancouver Public Library’s day-long celebration of local writers & publishers! Attend a workshop, ask an expert your writing question, hear writers read their own works,or browse the author and publisher tables. return to main blog

J. French J. Marsden K. Barnhill

10th May 2017
Beyond the Boundaries by Jackie French.  http://www.jackiefrench.com/ ​This book is the sequel to Walking the Boundaries. The two books tell the story of an indigenous boy, Martin, learning to value the land for all its qualities. He goes on a very spiritual and mystical journey discovering and uncovering wonders everywhere. I highly recommend these two… Read

Enjoyable visit to an Adelaide school

9th May 2017
  St. Joseph’s School, Kingswood invited me to speak to a Classroom of their grade 5 students (25). The teacher, S Frost asked me to speak about ways for the children to make their stories more interesting and the language more vibrant. We started by designing a character together. The children saw how small  changes… Read

Editing, Editing and more editing.

27th Apr 2017
I am into the editing stage of Book 3 at the moment. This morning, I reached the end of my story on my third time through. I’ve been combing over the text making sure I have everything the way I want it. I’m trying to make every sentence easy to read and understand. As I… Read

Books 1 and 2 available at Dymocks

11th Apr 2017
Good morning! We’re excited to announce that Dymocks in Adelaide has accepted copies of A Rare Gift and Pharaoh’s Tomb. This means you can go in and buy them there if you want to. As a new writer I was very excited to actually see my books on the shelf in an Australian book shop.  It… Read

Adelaide Writers’ Week

10th Mar 2017
Here we are at Adelaide Writers’ Week, the last day today, and you can see, there’s a very goodly crowd. Watch the video to find out more.length 1min:10sec

Books, Books, Books, and a Galah

7th Mar 2017
​Here I am again. This time I am writing from Australia. At the moment I am in Adelaide, which is in the state of South Australia. The weather is hot here. Since we arrived we have had many days where the temperature has reached over 30 degrees celsius. The house we are staying in and… Read

Editing, Scorpions and Challenges

22nd Feb 2017
This is a very exciting day for me. I have been asked to write my very first blog post. And here it is. Writing: This morning I completed the second draft of Bk 3 of my Crystal Journals series. I’ve called it Lady Knight. The First draft is the actual writing of the story. The… Read

About the author

G. Rosemary Ludlow grew up in Adelaide, Australia, where she taught school for many years. She loved teaching children to read and her favorite thing to do was to tell them stories. History stories, geography stories, stories about spelling, or arithmetic - it is all stories.

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